The Art of Lead Generation: How to Shine as a Realtor This Summer

Lisa Mailhot  |  June 5, 2024


The Art of Lead Generation: How to Shine as a Realtor This Summer


In a real estate market where leads are the lifeline of your business, responding to inquiries instantly cannot be overstressed. The reality is that potential clients often settle for the first agent who reaches out to them, making immediate responses a game-changer. Whether you're finishing dinner or wrapping up another appointment, taking a few minutes to reply to a lead can set you apart and significantly increase your conversion rates.

Face-to-Face Engagement: The Key to Real Connections

While digital communications are vital, there's an unmatched value in personal interactions. Activities like open houses, client meetings over coffee, and neighborhood walkthroughs provide opportunities to connect directly with potential clients. Consider scheduling open houses in the evenings when people are more likely to be available, tapping into the casual, relaxed vibe of summer evenings to draw in more prospects.

Strategic Marketing for Different Buyer Segments

Past Clients and Your Sphere of Influence

Leverage your existing network by engaging past clients through referral-driven strategies. Simple gestures like organizing community events or sending out personalized mailers can remind your past clients of your services, encouraging them to refer you to others.

First-Time Buyers

Craft targeted campaigns focusing on the benefits of homeownership, such as escaping rent hikes and building personal equity. Use relatable messaging to connect with potential buyers who might be living with parents or in rental properties.


For the senior demographic, emphasize the convenience of downsizing and the benefits of transitioning to homes that offer better lifestyle fits, like single-story properties or senior communities.

Investors and Second-Home Buyers

Investors are looking for opportunities to maximize their returns. Highlight strategies like house hacking or benefits of owning rental properties. For those interested in second homes, underscore the dual benefits of leisure and investment.


Navigating the summer market requires a mix of promptness, personal engagement, and strategic marketing. By focusing on these elements, you can attract a diverse range of clients and ensure your pipeline remains robust. If you're considering buying or selling this summer and want personalized advice or assistance, let's connect and make the most of this season's opportunities.


Reference: Ross, Bernice. “Exactly Where to Focus Your Business to Succeed This Summer.” Inman.


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