Section 8 Housing: Debunking the Myths and Finding Opportunities

Lisa Mailhot  |  September 18, 2024


Section 8 Housing: Debunking the Myths and Finding Opportunities


The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federal program run by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) aimed at providing financial assistance to low-income families, the elderly, and disabled individuals. By issuing vouchers, the program helps these households afford privately owned rental housing, covering the difference between what they can afford and fair market rents.

Contrary to popular belief, Section 8 housing is not restricted to low-income neighborhoods. Instead, it depends on landlords who agree to participate in the program.

How Does Section 8 Work?

To qualify for a Section 8 housing voucher, your household's gross annual income must fall below 50% of the median income in your area. For instance, in Pittsburgh, with a median family income of $52,293, a family would need to earn less than $26,147 to qualify. Priority is given to families making less than 30% of the median income, which, in this example, would be $15,688 annually.

So, what does this mean for renters? Let’s say a family in Pittsburgh earns $26,147 annually. With Section 8 assistance, they would pay 30% of their monthly income on rent—about $654 per month. The remaining rent balance, up to the fair market value, would be covered by HUD. If the fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment in the area is $1,000, the landlord would receive a $347 subsidy from the Housing Authority, covering the gap between the renter’s payment and market value.

Challenges of the Section 8 Program

While Section 8 can be a lifeline for many families, the reality isn’t as simple as qualifying and finding a home. Due to overwhelming demand, only 1 in 4 eligible households receive assistance. Moreover, waiting lists can stretch on for years, especially in competitive housing markets.

Adding to this is the reluctance of some landlords to participate in Section 8, partly due to the stigma that has arisen from negative experiences with a minority of tenants. In many cities, landlords are not obligated to accept Section 8 vouchers, further limiting housing options for voucher holders.

Section 8 Beyond Low-Income Areas

One of the biggest myths about Section 8 is that it’s only available in some neighborhoods. In reality, Section 8 can be used in any area where a landlord accepts the program. In regions with higher vacancy rates, landlords are often more open to accepting Section 8 tenants, as receiving HUD subsidies for market-value rents is better than letting units sit empty.


The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a vital resource for millions of Americans, offering a path to affordable housing in privately owned properties. However, finding a home can be challenging with long waiting lists and landlord hesitancy. If you’re considering relocating or learning more about housing options, especially in desirable areas, let’s connect—I can guide you through the process and help you explore the best options available.



Reference: Mandell, L. J. (2024, June 24). What Is Section 8 Housing? Help Paying Rent (and Not Just in Low-Income Neighborhoods)


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